March is Workplace Eye Safety Awareness Month

March is Workplace Eye Safety Awareness Month

It’s Workplace Eye Safety Awareness Month! Did you know that there are many ways you can injure your eyes or damage your overall eye health while at work? About one-third of all on the job eye injuries must be treated at the emergency room, and result in one or more...

The Top Ten High Risk Factors for Eye Concerns

The Top Ten High Risk Factors for Eye Concerns It’s National Save Your Vision Month, and we have more great information for you on The Top 10 High Risk Factors for eye concerns. This list includes the top reasons that you might need to schedule your eye exams on a...

January Is Glaucoma Awareness Month

January Is Glaucoma Awareness Month Everything You Need to Know About Glaucoma GLAUCOMA AWARENESS MONTH It’s Glaucoma Awareness Month, and we’re giving you some of the best facts that you need to know in order to be aware of what Glaucoma is, what the risk factors...

The Top 5 Eye Conditions That Affect Us As We Age: Part 5

We’re here! We’ve reached the end of our series on the five most common eye conditions that affect us as we age. These conditions can cause anything from impaired vision and eye discomfort to blindness. But the good news is that most of these diseases can be detected...

The Top 5 Eye Conditions That Affect Us As We Age: Part 4

Welcome back! We’re on week four of our Healthy Aging series, where we’re exploring all of the details of the five most common eye conditions that affect us as we age. This is part three, and today, we’re discussing Diabetic Retinopathy. This is also quite appropriate...